Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Open Topic: Obesity Problem (W9)

Throughout the course, my peers have addressed the fact that obese people are completely in the wrong for the way that they are. It has been discussed that they are obese because they over eat and eat unhealthy food. This is true: people cannot blame everyone else for their actions. They clearly decide to eat the food that they want to eat as well as the portions and how often they eat. They also need to take in their genetics, if their parents or other family members are overweight or obese, they may inherit some of those genes and take that into consideration when they are stuffing their third Big Mac for dinner into their face. However, I do not think that people are solely to blame.

The companies that are selling the over processed, extremely unhealthy foods, know that the foods that they make are not good for people. They put laws together so that many investigations of their food factories cannot happen.  This leads to the ignorance of people and they have no idea that they do not know everything about the food they are eating. They believe that the FDA would work to the best of their ability to protect them and their well being. The companies know what they are doing because why else would they keep the process of how they make their food a secret?

 Movies like Super Size Me and Food Inc. try to bring to light what these food companies do, but many people do not listen to the message or follow along with what the message ultimately wants: people to eat healthy food that is natural and healthy. Food companies know that in order to keep their clientele, they need to get them hooked as children and thus it will not matter what people say about their products.  Sadly, this works. People are hooked on their lifestyles and habits so much that when they see movies like this, more than often, they do not even change their diet at all.

The main point is that both groups need to take responsibility for their actions. This problem cannot be solved if everyone is just pointing their fingers at someone else. Both groups are equally in the wrong. The true question is whether or not people will see this problem of unhealthy food and the marketing for it so they stop eating it.

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